I was surprised to find that Red Velvet is a 2 concept group. Red Velvet, if you break up the name into 2 words is red and velvet. Red= the sexy, and classy side, while Velvet= Cute and fun.
This now makes sense with their new songs Ice Cream Cake and Automatic. It also makes sense when looking at their older songs: Happiness, and Be natural. I feel like SM made a great bold move when making this decision and both the classy and cute side of their music and dancing work for both concepts perfectly. Alongside 2ne1 ad SNSD, I have a feeling that Red Velvet will soon become one of my favorites.
Also next time I go shopping for food, I will Automatically buy an ICE CREAM CAKE, and be filled with HAPPINESS, since that will only BE NATURAL, with all the sugar!