Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Marriage not Dating

Holy Fricken Chickens! if you're not already watching this drama, you have to start now!

Marriage not Dating is literally the most hilarious korean drama I have ever watched; and that means a lot because I alphabet watched soo many korean dramas in my life now. 
My sister first suggested this drama to me... Actually she kind of forced me to watch it because I was reluctant to watch anything she liked. But surprisingly I really enjoyed it. 
Also do you see the guy on the right side of the picture? I don't know his name, but my first impression of hi was that he looked like an asian Leonardo Dicaprio. 

Anyways getting back to the review of this drama...
Yesterday I was watching episodes 5 and 6 at like 3in the morning. My parents were in the other room sleeping so I had to be sneaky so as to not wake them up. Instead of being quiet like I usually am while silently keeping my feelings inside while watching dramas, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Like I said before, Marriage not dating is super duper hilarious. I was literally crying in bed, trying and failing to keep my laughter in. Also heads up, episode 5 so far is my favorite and is the funniest to me. 
I can't wait for the next episodes to come out and hope you guys decide to watch this drama If you aren't already. If you're new to korean dramas as well, I think this drama would be great for you to, it will definitely make anyone laugh.

have a nice day!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hotel King

Hi guys, it's been a while since I actually did something on this blog other than repost kfashion pictures. But I'm back to express one of my latest kdrama obsessions!

I am currently watching Hotel Kong, but have yet to catch up to the latest episode...unless it's already complete and I didn't know. anyways I'm on episode 25 and the fangirlyness has been kicking in every five minutes. Just take a look at these cute screen shots I took:

Oh my flipping gosh, this moment!!!!!!
I feel like no one is even going to see, this post, but that's okay because then no one can judge my weirdness. I watch my dramas on viki and the commenters there are hilarious and just like me. 

Anyways even though I haven't talked about this drama, I really recommend it to kdrama fans out there who haven't decided to watch this yet. When the main guy is on the variety show Roommate, he is completely different. This my friends, is the power of acting. Again I know that I haven't said anything about the plot of this drama, but that's because I feel like if I were to say something about it, I would just spoil it for everyone out there.

This was a very...interesting post...see ya later.....
