I am currently watching Hotel Kong, but have yet to catch up to the latest episode...unless it's already complete and I didn't know. anyways I'm on episode 25 and the fangirlyness has been kicking in every five minutes. Just take a look at these cute screen shots I took:

Oh my flipping gosh, this moment!!!!!!
I feel like no one is even going to see, this post, but that's okay because then no one can judge my weirdness. I watch my dramas on viki and the commenters there are hilarious and just like me.
Anyways even though I haven't talked about this drama, I really recommend it to kdrama fans out there who haven't decided to watch this yet. When the main guy is on the variety show Roommate, he is completely different. This my friends, is the power of acting. Again I know that I haven't said anything about the plot of this drama, but that's because I feel like if I were to say something about it, I would just spoil it for everyone out there.
This was a very...interesting post...see ya later.....
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